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Azerbaijan Winter Sports Federation has been established


A meeting of the Azerbaijan Skiing Federation was held at the Ministry of Youth and Sports on January 31.

A meeting of the Azerbaijan Skiing Federation was held at the Ministry of Youth and Sports on January 31. At the meeting, the President of the Ski Federation Rauf Khalilov reported on the activities of the organization in recent years.

During the meeting, the name of the current Federation and its Charter has been changed. According to the changes, the Ski Federation will be renamed the Azerbaijan Winter Sports Federation.

Fuad Nagiyev, Chairman of the State Tourism Agency, was elected as a president of the Federation, and Florian Zengstshmid, chairman of the board of the Azerbaijan Tourism Board, was elected as a vice-president.

At the same time, Elvira Zakarayeva, Nasir Farhadov, Thomas Eugen Thor Jensen, Dashgin Abbasov, and Ruslan Behbudov were elected as members of the board of the Federation.

In his speech, President of the Federation Fuad Nagiyev thanked the participants for the confidence shown to him. Fuad Nagiyev noted that the new federation will be engaged in the development of alpine skiing, snowboarding, ski mountaineering, and figure skating. The President of the Federation noted that there are ski resorts in Gabala, Shahdag, and Nakhchivan for the formation and development of the culture of winter sports in Azerbaijan, and using these centers, there can be positive progress in the near future.

The meeting was attended by Minister of Youth and Sports Farid Gayibov and Vice President of the National Olympic Committee Chingiz Huseynzade, who wished success to the Federation in its new activities

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